I graduated with a BA in Bible in May, 1983.
Its library provided no more information than what I found at Lee University. It wasn't until years later that I found out that many research journals had been containing ever increasing amounts of information about the matter ever since the mid 1960's. But, these two colleges didn't have such journals on their shelves.
No one forced me to go to CBC. I knew its policy was like that at Lee University before I enrolled there. Were there other homosexuals there? I don't know? What would reactions have been if I had approached any of the professors, preachers, administrators, or students there for prayer about my "problem?" I don't know, but I can't imagine feeling that anyone could have done so without fear!
Unfortunately (for everyone whose life was affected), knowing no more than I did, I decided to follow popular advice -- get a wife and procreate -- to get "delivered" from this "demon."